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Innovate or agonize ?
This choice is up to you...
A sudden awareness of cognitive mechanisms and biases that block or release innovation, agility and velocity in a company. An experiential conference-show that will mark you forever… and an introduction to a book to come in 2019.
Dare Artificial Intelligence
Not considering it is criminal !
Why and how to understand artificial intelligence? What can artificial intelligence bring you? Dangers, realities and opportunities … The proposed journey will create an optimistic space for reflection and will give you the audacity, even a furious desire, to go further!
Hacker's Guide to Disruption
How to be prepared not to be disrupted
How did Uber happen? Mechanisms of disruption: why, when, how and by whom you are going to be disrupted! A shock for companies comfortable in their routine, milking their cows…
What's Next ?
An amazing vision on your future
What will be your future? An educated prospective based on existing and future technologies … Big questioning assured! For the lovers of Black Mirror…