Master of Ceremony

MC or EmCee ?

Elevate your next event with a polished, professional presenter and recognized authority in the realm of Innovation!

As your Master of Ceremonies, Philippe will bring his polished stage presence, gravitas and humor to engaging your audience while…

  • warmly welcoming your participants & speakers
  • introducing the theme of the event
  • acknowledging and thanking Speakers, volunteers, Sponsors, key leadership and personnel
  • delivering seamless segues linking one talk or performance to the next.
  • professionally facilitating Panel Discussions and Q&A
  • relaying important event information to participants and keeping the event running smoothly
  • and keeping the timing of the event on point, reducing stress, keeping the energy of the participants up and making everything look more professional.

Set the perfect tone and keep the continuity of your event crisp with a professional Master of Ceremonies

How does working with Philippe as a Master of Ceremony differ from booking him as a speaker?

  • In his role as MC, Philippe will work with your event committee from the beginning to grasp the nuances and unique complexities of your event’s intentions.
  • As MC, Philippe can provide a wealth of resources including introductions to potential speakers who might be perfect for your event but not currently on your radar.
  • Philippe brings his considerable experience engaging audiences to working with your speakers to craft powerful, funny or moving introductions that generate buzz.
  • Skilled at putting people at ease, keeping them on topic and making thier contribution shine, as your MC, Philippe can raise your panel discussion or Q & A to another level. Subject matter experts are not always polished or confident speakers but with Philippe help, everyone can look like a pro.
  • Leveraging his vast catalogue of signature, interactive experiments from his keynotes and workshops, Philippe can offer you ‘between speaker’ options to keep the energy in the room elevated and your audience engaged while re-staging occurs.

Flagship Conference Keynotes For Your Best Event Ever

Click on any keynote image to learn more

Innovate or agonize ?

It's your choice...

Raise your awareness of the cognitive mechanisms and biases that block or unleash innovation, agility and velocity within companies.

An experiential show that will mark you forever… and an introduction to Philippe’s book coming later this year!

Artificial Intelligence: if you dare!

Savior or criminal? - you decide.

Why and how to understand artificial intelligence? What can artificial intelligence do for your business? Dangers, realities and opportunities … The proposed exploration will create an optimistic space for reflection and will give you the audacity, even a furious desire, to go further!

Hacker's Guide to Disruption

How to be prepared for disruption and make it work for you

How did Uber happen? Understanding the mechanisms of disruption: why, when, how and by whom are you going to be disrupted? A shock for companies comfortable in their routine, ‘milking their own cows’ for years…

What's Next ?

The future is even cooler than you think!

Fans of Netflix’s “Black Mirror” will be especially intrigued. Beginning with today’s most innovative technologies, Philippe will take you on an educational and entertaining ride into the future with a compelling story of the exponential possibilities.